Contingency plan for extended tarmac delays

Sky High Aviation Services Dominicana, S.A. (“Sky High”) has developed a procedure for managing tarmac delays, designed to effectively handle prolonged delays on the tarmac or ramp, ensuring both the safety and well-being of passengers. This procedure applies to all flights operated by the company.

Sky High has prepared this plan in strict compliance with the regulations and provisions of civil aviation authorities at both local and international levels and coordinates with airport authorities, air traffic control, customs, and security in cases of such delays. The airline assures stakeholders that it has sufficient resources for the implementation of the plan described below.

  • Sky High will notify customers onboard the aircraft about the delay status if it exceeds 30 minutes. Subsequently, updates will be provided every 30 minutes through the aircraft’s public address system and cabin crew. Once the cause of the tarmac delay is resolved, passengers will be clearly and promptly notified that they may proceed to disembark the aircraft.
  • In the event of a tarmac delay exceeding two hours from its onset, Sky High will ensure food and potable water are provided to all passengers, as long as it is safe to do so. Additionally, potable water will be supplied to ensure the functioning of bathrooms and sinks, and operational sanitary facilities will be maintained. Sky High will also strive to maintain a comfortable cabin temperature for passengers and, if necessary, provide medical attention.
  • If the delay approaches four hours, passengers will be offered the option to voluntarily disembark if conditions allow. If disembarkation is not possible, the aircraft will be returned to an appropriate disembarkation point to allow passengers the option to leave the flight if they wish.

There are some exceptions to the aforementioned guarantees, which include situations where, at the pilot-in-command’s discretion, there is a safety-related reason preventing Sky High from meeting these guarantees, or when, in the opinion of air traffic control, the movement of an aircraft subject to this regulation could disrupt airport operations.

After the tarmac delay, all details of the delay, including duration, causes, and actions taken, will be documented and a written report will be submitted to the Civil Aviation Board (JAC) and, if necessary, to the United States Department of Transportation if the incident occurs within its territory, or to the competent air transport authority of the state where the event took place.

Regarding passenger assistance, Sky High guarantees that all inquiries from affected passengers will be received, addressed appropriately and promptly, and the corresponding compensation will be provided as applicable.

If you have any questions about our Tarmac Delay Contingency Plan, please contact a customer service representative at: +1 (809) 591 4412 / +1 (833) 957 0479; or via the following email: [email protected]

Legal Notice

This Tarmac Delay Contingency Plan does not create contractual or legal rights, nor does it legally bind Sky High for actions taken in accordance with this plan. Sky High’s contractual rights and obligations are listed in the company’s conditions of carriage and applicable tariffs.

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